PARENTAL LOVE games app 8.0


Offline Visual Novel

PARENTAL LOVE APK v0.8 Adult Android Game Download

Download PARENTAL LOVE APK v0.8 For Free - PARENTAL LOVE Android APK Game Full Download For Free, PARENTAL LOVE Android Game Download For Free.

Download PARENTAL LOVE APK Android Game version v0.8 For Free – PARENTAL LOVE is an Adult Game for Android Download APK For Free. PARENTAL LOVE is a VisualNovel Adult Game. Download now in our site with no payment and full free to download, Visit for more Adult Games.

In the game, you take on the role of a man who had a falling out with his wife Emily.
After your second child, Ada was born. You two went through a break up. Due to your drug addiction, the court ruled her sole custody of your children.
It’s been fifteen years since then and you’ve gone to multiple different rehab programs. Now that you’re clean of drugs, You decided to start dating Emily once again. You’ve been dating her online for many months now and your relationship is blossoming. She’s taken a new liking to you and believes you two can restore things to the way they used to be. You live in different states, but it’s summer time and you’ve decided to visit Emily in Ohio. The game begins when you first meet her in a bar.

Fixed saves. They now work. Massive thank yous to bossapplesauce, the absolute legend.
Fixed a few words being in the wrong places

-Added day 6 for the last route (Emily)
-Further improved the save system (Thanks the66)
-Fixed some crashing bugs related to loading old saves
-Re did some old bad renders
-Added Brazilian Portuguese translation for the entirety of day 6 (Thanks Grubb)
-Corrected mistakes in the Brazilian translation (Thanks Grubb)
-Fixed quite a few gramar errors (Thanks Grubb)
-Changed the name Rowan to Damien
-Removed choice at the end of day 6 to either sleep with Elly or not

– Added day 7 for Harem route
– Removed choice to say you’re not interested in Sofi from day 5 (It felt inorganic and dumb)
– Fixed the language options not showing up right in the preferences

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